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3 Ways to Heat Up Your Savings This Winter

It’s no secret that us Americans like to spend our money during the summer. The weather, outdoor activities, vacations and more carefree attitude has most Americans racking up debt during the summer months. But now the seasons have changed and it’s time to fiscally focus and get our spending back on track.

Assess The Budget

If you ask your financial planner Orlando, they will tell you budgeting is finance 101, and something they’ll happily help you with. But it is not just a ‘set it and forget it‘ type of tool. Without followthrough and diligence, setting up a budget is futile. And without a budget, you will be unable to execute your financial plan. So take some time during this winter season to check on your budget. See where you have excelled and where some adjustments need to be made. Then, realign any previous strategy that no longer suits your current living situation.

If you need more day to day help there are a multitude of apps that will help you keep track of your spending and keep you within your newly established budget.

Seek Out Investment Opportunities

Investing can seem scary, and it isn’t to be taken lightly, but it is a great tool to build wealth with. Talk with your employer about your 401 (k) options. Many times they’ll match your contribution which is a great way to gain wealth with minimal effort. If you don’t have that kind of option, speak to your financial professional about whether or not an IRA would be in your best interest.

If you’d like to directly invest in stocks, there are quite a few platforms that allow you to invest small amounts of money and manage those investments, and if you’re looking to contribute more, consult your financial expert about creating a diverse investment portfolio suited to your current financial means and future financial goals.

Find Recurring Savings Opportunities

One of the most beneficial things about creating a budget is that it will indicate all of the areas where you can improve financially. There are certain requirements that will be the same monetary expense every month, but, there are going to be numerous opportunities to create more savings or reduce your spending. By laying out how you spend your money each month, you can now evaluate and analyze your own patterns. Can you cut down on subscription services, or the amount you eat take out? Maybe cable and internet keep going up and there are other local providers offering better deals. Negotiate with your service provider or yourself and create more savings. If nothing can be changed, see if you can enroll in automatic payments. In the absolute least you’ll never miss a payment and have to pay a late fee, and oftentimes with that enrollment, there will be other advantages as well.

In a perfect world you would review your finances quarterly. The winter season is especially important because it falls between two high spending times; summer and the big holidays. Take stock of your past spending trends and what you have planned for the near future as well as some big picture goals. All of this information will better help shape a budget and plan that works for your life.

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