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4 Secret Tricks To Profitable Webinars

Ever wondered why webinars are sprouting left and right? Well, it’s because they work! However, a successful webinar only happens if you do them correctly.

The road to profitable webinars is far from easy. You’ll make expensive mistakes before you make your webinar successful. The key is to learn from them.

If you want to run your first webinar the right way, below, you’ll find 4 secret tricks that can come in handy.

1.  Create a Statement That Can “Hook” Viewers

There’s a big difference between hosting a regular webinar and a profitable webinar. First, your potential webinar attendees should receive a reminder of what they’ll gain from attending your presentations.

Rather than just making a boring list of online courses you offer, make an enticing “hook” statement. Create a strong hook that focuses on the benefits you’re providing through your webinars. Don’t make it obvious that you’re trying to make money but rather what they’ll gain at the end of your webinar.

2.  Produce Quality Content

One common mistake people make during webinar marketing is focusing heavily on the end sales and not on the content. It’s normal to be more interested in the moment of sale, but you should never sacrifice quality — an important rule to live by when running any business.

These are the three main components that should be present in your entire webinar content:


Do your webinars look professional? How will you connect to your audience. Inspect your background if it won’t distract your audience, and make sure to practice as much as you can. Viewers will judge you based on your visual appeal.

If you’re marketing to non-professionals, you may need only fewer materials to resonate with your audience. Be mindful of your attendees as you create your slides, script, etc. For instance, your entertaining presentations may perform better with a millennial crowd.


Are you a good storyteller? You need to present your materials and story accurately for attendees to understand your webinar topic. If you’re struggling with this, there’s nothing wrong with hiring a writer or producer to assist with the production of your webinars.


It’s important to interact with your audience from time to time to make them feel a part of the event. Allocate time to answer questions and provide real-time feedback. The audience signed-up for your webinars to learn from you, so make sure to give your knowledge and expertise in real time.

3.  Find the Right Timing

When conducting webinars, timing is everything in a couple of ways:

  • Decide when to host your webinar. Pick a time that’s convenient for you and your audience.
  • Consider lead-time. Don’t even think about advertising webinars on the day before. It’s recommended that you advertise at least a month in advance or more. As your event gets closer, don’t forget to send reminders and try doing a countdown on social media.
  • Establish how long your webinar should be. Your audience is busy and is giving you a precious portion of their time, so make sure to respect it. About 30 to 60 minutes length should be enough to provide good content without losing the interest of your audience. Also, try framing your webinars as a “limited opportunity” so that people will be obliged to sign-up and stick around.
  • Don’t talk about products until the end of your presentation. If you sell to early on your webinar, your attendees may get bored or annoyed by the sales vice. Start by providing great content upfront then encourage them to buy your product at the end.

4.   Prepare Well

Live webinars are no place to wing it. You should prepare, prepare, and prepare as much as you can to deliver the best presentation possible. Practice as if you’re already running a webinar so that you won’t get nervous during the actual.

If it’s your first time running a webinar, using a webinar platform can help ease the process for you. A webinar software allows you to pre-record a section of your presentation so that you can watch amd rehearse it.

Your webinar presentation should sound natural and conversational. But no matter how you prepare, things will not always go according to plan. Make sure to also have a back-up plan and ask yourself these questions:

  • What will I do if my laptop hang-up or crash? (You may want to keep an extra laptop ready)
  • What if an audience fails to attend due to an emergency? (Record your presentation to give to the audience who failed to attend due to a reasonable excuse. The last thing you need is to cancel a scheduled webinar)
  • What if your website crashes while people are making a purchase? (You should have a payment link ready or send over a follow-up email with a fixed link)

Present With Confidence

With these four secret tricks, you can lessen pain points and ensure the success of your webinar. More than just making money or increasing sales, your webinar should impart knowledge that your audience wants to keep coming back to.

You will still make mistakes along the way. Try to learn from all of them throughout your webinar journey to continuously improve yourself and create better presentations.

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