There is definitely a lot to study and a lot to remember when you are preparing for RRB Exams. The RRB exams are conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board on an annual basis for different posts.
The Railway Boards conducts examination for the following posts –
- RRB Non-Technical & Popular Category – NTPC
- RRB Junior Engineer – JE
- RRB Group D/ RRC Level 1
- RRB Assistant Loco Pilot – ALP
Aspirants of any examination mentioned above in order to complete the syllabus have to thoroughly understand the concept, connect it with current issues, revise multiple times and build links, in order to remember everything that has been studied. If not done in a proper manner, no matter how much time they put into preparation, they will face difficulties in the examination.
Therefore in this article we have come up with a few simple and workable tips that will help the candidates preparing for any RRB Exams to remember things that they have studied during preparation.
Tricks to Remember All That You Have Learn
- Make Flashcards to recall in flash of seconds– Flashcards are the best for revision. You can quickly test your knowledge of facts, definitions, formulae etc using flashcards. Flashcards are easy to make and will make revising multiple times fun. Make the flashcards simple, do not stuff too much information on one single card. Bullet points should work!
- Mind Maps creation is the solution – “Mind Maps” is one of the best ways to retain things in mind for longer. Create a simple overview of different connections related to the topic. This will help you in remembering all the details and also, in a sequence. It is also easier to remember when you draw diagrams. Visualizing information makes remembering easy! Creating mental associations is the fuel of creativity and intelligence. So, create mental associations.
- Take Down Notes – whenever you start with any topic or subject make it a habit of taking down notes as you are learning it. Notes making help you go through everything you learn during the last hours when you are not left with time to run down the syllabus again. Your notes must contain only important pointers and not too much information. The idea is just to recall things while you go through them sometime again.
- Study as if you are Teaching someone- It is said that teaching is the best way to remember things. This technique will help you plant the new knowledge well and also reinforce existing knowledge! While studying, study as if you were to teach the topic to some other person in simple language. This allows you to ask yourself and will also help you understand the topic in detail. Once you are done reading, try explaining it to someone. If you are able to do it effortlessly, that means you have understood the topic very well and will remember the information for a very long period of time.
- Revision the key to success- Revision is the key to remembering everything that you have studied. Multiple revisions will ensure that the topic is etched in your memory forever. You might spend 3 hours learning about a new topic for the first time. In the first revision, you will be able to complete the topic in less than 3 hours, in the third revision, the time taken becomes lesser and so on. This will also help in allowing your thoughts to flow coherently even while you are writing the exam.
There are ways to achieve more while doing less work. So, start implementing the above mentioned strategies to help you remember everything you have learned over the course of the months and years of preparation for Railway Examinations.
Candidates who were appearing for the RRB NTPC Exam must be knowing that the CBT exam is postponed by the Railway Recruitment Board due to a surge in the cases of Covid-19 across the country. Candidates can go through the linked page for detailed information.