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Class 10th Board Exam Tips

The CBSE 10th board exams are one of the most widely attended national board exams in India. There is no quick way to succeed or flawless grades on board exams. To achieve a high percentage, you must work more. It is the first stumbling block in a student’s career route. Students have the opportunity to choose any stream if they have a satisfactory grade in secondary school. Furthermore, a good grade in the tenth-grade board test can facilitate their stream selection for a successful career. There are numerous resources available to help you prepare for the exam. The focus of this discussion will be on how to approach the paper properly.

  • Quick Check

Do a quick check of the things in your hand before getting in the exam hall. Make sure you have your hall ticket, pen, pencil, water bottle, and other necessary items in your hand. Maintain a calm composure, don’t get panicked as this may affect negatively during the exam.

  • First 15 Minutes

The question paper itself provides 15 minutes of cooling time. This time should be utilized to read the question paper carefully. Read each question two or three times. Make a rough plan of which questions you will attend first, and check the marks for each question. Write answers accordingly.

  • Tough Questions

If there are any tough questions, make sure you don’t get panicked. Leave them for the time being and try attempting it after completing all the easy questions. Try to read the tough questions many times as this can make you analyze them better and write the answer accordingly. But make sure you are not losing much time guessing the answer for the tough questions as this will leave you with very little time for the easy ones.

  • Easy Questions

Answer the easy questions at first. Make sure you complete these questions fast and correctly. Present the answers very neatly as this will impress the evaluator. Also if you start with the easy ones and complete them at first, you will get the confidence to do the harder ones.

  • Write Fast and Neatly

Make sure to not get distracted while writing the exam. Always concentrate on the questions and answers you are giving. Try to maintain a speed with which you can give all the answers within the time limit. Also make sure every answer is written neatly, with proper diagrams, and other needful. If your paper is not neat this can be a reason for getting low marks for the exam.

  • Know the Time

As you might know, the exam is conducted within a fixed time limit. Therefore make sure you have an eye on your watch. Don’t waste any time. Try dividing the time perfectly within each section and write accordingly. This will give you enough time at last for revising the answers. Practicing question papers with the time limit during the process of preparation for the exam can give you an insight into how much time you should allow for each section of the question paper.

  • Read the Question

Make sure you read the question multiple times before answering them. The questions can sometimes be tricky. Students may think it to be one thing and it will turn out something else. Therefore make sure you read the question carefully and understand them very well before answering.

  • Answer Nicely

While answering a question make sure to answer to the point. Don’t blabber too much. Use simple language and answer rightly. Underline or mark the important points from each answer. If required give proper examples or diagrams.

  • Stick to the Syllabus

While writing answers make sure you stick to the syllabus and answer from the Class 10 NCERT Books. Giving extra information is good, but if you use the NCERT textbooks to the maximum that itself is alright. Quoting from the text can also be helpful.

  • Word Count

While answering the questions make sure you are adhering to the word count. Most of the questions will specify the word count. Make sure you are writing around that number of words. Don’t waste your time counting the words of each answer. Rather a practice during the preparation process will help you understand a rough calculation of the number of words. This can help while writing the exam.

  • Write Answers Generally

If the question doesn’t specify for your support about a side of the story, make sure you write answers generally. Especially when it comes to issues like politics, religion, etc. make sure you write answers in a balanced form and don’t stand by one side. If your evaluator supports the other side then it can be a little hard for scoring marks in the portion.

  • Revise

Make sure you revise your answers properly. Leave enough time in the last. Check whether you have answered every question. Make sure the section divisions and question numbers are properly marked. Read the answer at least once to make sure there are no simple mistakes made.

  • Relax

Don’t get over panicked during the exam. If you don’t know an answer it is okay. Try to answer something because it is wise not to leave any answer unattempted. Keep you calm during the exam, this will give you enough confidence in writing the exam and will help you write it more nicely. It is also recommended not to worry about the answers you have given after the examination. Because this is of no use, it won’t change the answer you gave and can even negatively affect your mental health. Therefore, once the exam is over leave it to the evaluator.

  • Important Pointers

Mathematics: make sure you show all the calculations, even the rough ones in a separate section in your answer paper itself. Try to revise every calculation as silly mistakes can happen there.

Science: try to give proper examples and diagrams for all the questions, even though the question doesn’t specify it. Mark important points.

Social Science: mark the important points, write the answers to the point, use tables and flowcharts to explain lengthy answers, and do the map work neatly.

English: English is the subject for which time management is very important. Make sure you utilize the time properly. Marks important points and make sure to draw boxes for notices, pamphlets, etc.

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