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Enhance your Website with These 4 Web Design Effects

In today’s digital age, an appealing website has never been more relevant. All companies want to capture a significant portion of the marketplace, and a website plays this role perfectly. What’s more? You can reach potential clients globally, thanks to an engaging web design. Fortunately, there are various web design effects that you can use to inspire user delight. Want to know more? Read on for tips.

  1. Large& Bold typography

There are different typefaces that you can use for your website. But, large and bold fonts capture user’s attention and work excellently. The most professional website fonts are;

  • Playfair Display
  • Arvo
  • Dosis
  • Merriweather
  • Helvetica

Play around with the size, color, and alignment. This affects the page design and will appeal to many users.

  1. Cinemagraphs

These are a magical combination of video and photography. They feature a subtle motion and play in an un-ending loop. Moreover, cinemagraphs encourage user interaction and incorporate movements to your site. They work better than still images and will draw more users since they enhance visual interest in your content. To get the best, discuss this with the web design agency; they are professionals who know the best effects for your needs.

  1. Parallax scrolling

Parallax scrolling is a technique that moves the background and foreground content moves at different speeds. It helps make your site unique and visually appealing to users. This offers the best user experience and makes your business stand out.

  1. Back to the top

 You can scroll various web pages, and that’s good. What happens if you can’t go back? This feature will come in handy. It will ease the process, and you don’t need to get lost in the middle of web content while finding your way back. It improves the user experience and makes your website easy to navigate.

Why is visual appeal key in web design?

An engaging web design is an indispensable aspect of a website that we can’t disregard. If you’re a business owner, I presume you want a site that surpasses user expectations and offers exceptional user experience on computers and mobile alike. Does visual appeal matter? Of course, yes! Here’s how;

  • Grabs attention

 Visual appeal is the key to draw visitors to your website. Clients prefer a charming website and will likely take longer on an engaging website.

  • Creates first impression  

Most users lack time to go through web pages and blogs. The impression created by your site matters, and the visual appeal is crucial. It determines whether clients click on your content, products or goes on to a competitor’s website. Moreover, users will unlikely go back to a boring website.

  • Builds relationships

How, you ask? An appealing website helps build better customer relationships. Visitors will easily identify with your site, making them likely to buy from you. And who knows? You may be on the journey to more business and long-term relations.

A quick wrap up

The list of effects that you can use to enhance your site’s look is endless. Use your website to market your business, and do it right. To avoid mistakes, hire a professional web design company, and have the team transform your existing website into an appealing unique page.

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