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Have you outgrown your HR system? Take a look

Have you been onboarding employees, creating timesheets, and handling taxes manually? It may seem feasible and practical when you have just started a business. However, your manual ways can certainly outgrow when you scale your business and welcome more employees on board.

Preventing and controlling expenses on upgrading to a new HR system might make sense but holding on too tight to your outgrown HR system can severely impact the growth of your human capital and in turn business strategy.

Most of the employees leave their current employer due to a lack of growth opportunities and unsupportive management. Freeing up your HR professionals from manually handling the activities will give them the necessary time and opportunity to focus on arranging leadership training and overseeing employee concerns. And for these things to happen, upgrading your HR system is a must.

But how do you know the right time to upgrade the system? To know your answer check for the following indicators.

  • Employee recruitment is tougher

Recruiting and training processes involve a significant amount of paperwork and in such situations fragmented systems only increase the hassle for both organisations and employees.

During the recruitment process specifically with the HR department receiving a huge amount of applications and paperwork, it’s easy to lose or overlook certain applications or make an unintentional mistake that can cause ruckus later. This might be the time for you to consider better payroll software with automated processes and digital workflows to ensure all the documentation is reviewed, stored, and organised in the correct locations.

  • Compliance mistakes become expensive

Managing HR processes manually isn’t too difficult when there are few employees. However, this quickly becomes time-consuming and overly inefficient when the size of your team grows to double or triple. Furthermore, delay or missing documents can lead to compliance mistakes which in turn leads to hefty fines and other inconveniences.

Upgrading to modern payroll software empowers you with the technology necessary for data security, benefit selections, managing training certificates, attaining annual reviews, and more. Moreover, with a digital automated HR payroll system collecting and storing compliance information and creating reports regarding labour laws and wages becomes easier.

  • Lack of self-service tools

If your current HR and payroll system lacks self-service tools for employees, the frequent requests to update personal information, or provide information on employee benefits and PTO might overwhelm your HR team.

Giving access to these self-service tools through a digital HR system not only significantly reduces the burden on your HR department but also increases employee satisfaction rate and in turn productivity and profit.

These indicators are helpful to know when you have outgrown your current HR system and how digitising your HR processes will streamline daily business operations and free up your human resources to focus on more important tasks and strategies essential for business growth. You can try and request a demo of digital payroll software and check how the upgradation will benefit your business growth.

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