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How to create revision notes for jee main physics exam

JEE Main Physics making notes tips can assist students in creating a clear strategy to increase their chances of passing the exams. If students follow a few tips of the trade, they will be able to breeze through the exams with ease. Management of time throughout preparation and the exam, the key chapters and subjects to concentrate on based on the weightage provided, Chapterwise Important Questions for JEE Main Physics, practicing with previous year question papers, sample papers, and taking mock exams regularly are just a few of the useful JEE Main Physics revision notes tips. Another helpful aid for studying for JEE Main Physics is knowing the chapter-by-chapter analysis from previous year exams.

A review of previous year’s papers, professional advice, and top-notch experiences are all beneficial in learning how to study and achieve high grades in Physics. If you know which chapters are more essential, which ones have typically been covered more in previous exams, how to memorize the formulae, and so on, you can make your preparation more goal-oriented. The JEE Main Physics Revision Notes Tips outlines the study approach, focusing on the chapters, weightage, and books. Let us emphasize that the fundamental ideas and chapters must be thoroughly studied. There’s no need to skip any chapters in preparation for the exams. The NCERT books are the best resources for this. Read these to improve your understanding of the topic before moving on to the other books that go further into the chapters.

Subject-wise Revision Notes For JEE Main Physics Preparation:

Every student knows that certain subjects are very essential in each chapter. So, after conducting some research, we came up with a list of topics you shouldn’t overlook in your JEE Main Physics preparation.

Electrostatics: It is a high-scoring chapter that requires conceptual clarity. Every year, about four questions are asked in the JEE Main Physics exams. You can make easy revision notes of this chapter.

HC’s Electrostatics: Concepts of Physics is a book on electrostatics. Verma is an excellent electrostatics solution since it includes well-explained numerical questions.

Oscillation and Waves: After you’ve mastered the basics, study HC Verma’s Concepts of Physics to prepare for this. This is a scoring chapter for both JEE Main and JEE Advanced

Modern Physics: This is a significant subject for both JEE Main and JEE Advanced. Look at your book which includes nuclear fission and fusion, radioactive decay of substances, matter’s dual nature, and X-rays. While studying this one, keep in mind Bohr’s model. It’s a good idea to go over the numerical questions in this chapter as well. NCERT is adequate for learning the fundamentals.

Optics: Although it seems to be an easy subject, it also appears to be a difficult one. Remember to verify the Huygens principles while you’re studying this. This subject is both simple and important, so you should do well. To gain a better understanding of these Chapters, read DC Pandey Solutions’ Understanding Physics for JEE Main, Advanced Optics, and Modern Physics.

Important JEE Main Physics Chapters

  1. Magnetics: JEE Main in 40 Days by ARIHANT, Learn JEE Main Physics to help you pass the exam.
  1. AC and Electromagnetic Induction: In JEE Main examinations, numerical questions from this subject are often asked. While you’re reading this, review Faraday’s Law.
  1. Current Electricity: Ohm’s law, resistor color codes, and the characteristics of ohmic and non-ohmic conductors are some of the chapters that should be reviewed.
  1. Waves: Scoring chapters include simple harmonic motion (S.H.M), the concept of superposition of waves and its equation, and the Doppler Effect in sound. Give them extra attention.

What other resources are there for JEE Main Physics?

Students must have a good grip on most of the topics in Physics as part of the JEE Main Physics revision notes, therefore the following books and solutions may be utilized for additional study.

These are straightforward questions based on the chapters provided. If you answer the questions based on the chapters listed in the table below, you will get excellent points in this part. Because every mark matters, it’s critical that you make the most of your opportunity to get the highest possible score on these questions.

JEE Main Physics: Revision Short notes and flashcards

Making notes as you go through each chapter is one of the most important parts of JEE Main Physics Preparation. This is a fantastic reference strategy for the last days of the exams since it enables you to check the chapters without having to open the textbook and go over them in depth. Make flashcards for the formulae and chapters you want to make sure you understand. Just taking a glance over the past few days will clear things out for you.

Tips for making  JEE Main Physics Revision Notes:

Be Thorough with the Curriculum: Students must be familiar with the JEE Main Physics syllabus. They should be aware of which chapters the questions will be based on. This will help them split their time more effectively. As a result, one of the most important JEE Main Physics preparation is to go through the curriculum thoroughly. Students should be acquainted with the JEE Main Examination pattern in addition to the curriculum.

Important Books for Making Notes For JEE Main: Students must prepare for the engineering exams by reading the finest books possible. Sicking isn’t going to get you where you want to go. Students should avoid using too many different reference books. They should begin making notes from NCERT Books for Class 12 as well as the study materials provided by the coaching center where they studied. This JEE Main Physics notes tips from the correct books are very important since students cannot afford to spend time studying inappropriate study material.

Books for JEE Main Physics:

  • I.E.Irodov’s Problems in General Physics
  • Halliday, Resnick, and Walker’s Fundamentals of Physics
  • Vol I and II by HC Verma
  • Refer to the previous year’s topic-by-topic coverage.


Students must now change gears if they wish to pass one of the most prestigious engineering entrance examinations. It’s time to make the switch to a wiser approach that will benefit you. Because the JEE Main curriculum is so broad, and your preparation includes board examinations as well, you must focus on the issues that are most important to you. This article provides JEE Main Physics Revision Notes Tips to assist you in achieving your objective.

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