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Instructions on the Art of Shadow Boxing

Shadowboxing may seem to be a little ridiculous to novice fighters. You don’t seem to strike anything, you create strange noises, and you appear to be bouncing about randomly. However, if they paid attention to a boxer who took shadowboxing seriously, they would see that he or she is very focused. This is a warrior who moves with purpose and accuracy, and they would notice it. They would see a boxer refining their skill like a pro.

According to, one of the cornerstones of boxing training is shadowboxing. Punching the air will help you become better at whatever you want to accomplish in the ring. Shadowboxing’s benefits can’t be overstated, but understanding them is a start. However, effective shadowboxing calls much more than simply randomly flinging fists into the air.

Shadow Boxing for the Absolute Beginner

For newcomers, shadow boxing may be challenging. It may be tough to visualize a battle if you haven’t sparred or fought before. There are a few fundamental concepts to keep in mind when you begin shadowboxing in order to increase your level of comfort.

  1. Get moving!

Photo by Bruno Bueno from Pexels

To begin, get up and walk about. Start moving and feeling loose instead than worrying about punching. Concentrate on pivots, level shifts, and shifting angles. Consider imagining a hula hoop on the floor in front of you as a good method to accomplish this. Start circling it.

Step away from the imagined hoop until you’re an arm throw away from it. You’ll start to feel at ease in this little space. Start with some basic punches when you’re calm and into a rhythm. Start with easy combinations like singles, 1-2’s, and double jab crosses to learn the basics. It’s time to switch things up after you’ve become tired of the same old combinations.

  1. Throw some jabs at your imaginary target

You must create the mental image of having a target in front of you at all times, but being unable to reach it. So you’ll be forced to go closer and practice your in-and-out motions. The hula-hoop exercise is the best method to practice visualizing a goal. A balloon or ball floating at eye level may also be imagined as you go around the imaginary hoops.

If you’re not a visual person, imagine a sound going off while the ball/balloon randomly lights up for a few seconds at a time. Toss your combination as soon as the ball becomes red or you hear a sound. Then, move back out of range and continue going.

  1. Throw in some Combinations

As a result, you’ve mastered the art of movement, timing, and entrance/exit maneuvering. This is the last stage before adding some intriguing combinations and defensive techniques to liven things up. The jab is usually the first move in most combos.

Jabs may be delivered to the head or body; a slip and jab is also an option. As with dance, you’ll need a few backup combinations in case you get stuck and don’t know what to throw. A one-two or double-jab cross is more common. Add in some more complicated combinations after you’re comfortable throwing them and your movement is flowing. Slips, lean-backs, parrying, and side-guard should all be included in these combinations.

Learning to throw a combination and then successfully getting out of range is the last stage in shadowboxing. The easiest approach is to enter and exit via the same route you entered.

Pointers for shadow boxing

  • Keep a calm head.

There is a high probability that novice fighters may get stiff and tight during a battle due to nervousness, poor technique, and bad habits. The punches, head movement, and defense you employ while fighting with a tight upper torso may become inefficient because you lack dynamic mobility from your chest up. If this occurs to you in the middle of a battle, you’re going to be picked apart rather quickly.

  • Pay attention your footwork

For every fighter, footwork is critical because excellent footwork may confuse your opponent, assist you avoid being struck, and create angles from which you can catch your opponent off guard and finish them off with a quick left hook. As a result, shadow boxing is an excellent way to hone your footwork before a real bout.

  • Avoid looking into a mirror always

When you’re shadow boxing, it’s easy to become caught up in your own reflection all the time. Don’t! Shadow boxing is meant to simulate a genuine bout as closely as possible.

Make a video of yourself so you may watch it and learn from your errors.

Using a smartphone to record and analyze your shadow boxing workouts is a great method to enhance your skills as a fighter. Taking a video of yourself boxing will allow you to identify your strengths and flaws in your shadow boxing immediately.

  • After each combination, turn your head.

By moving your head after each combo or every three seconds, you’ll build habits to move methodically and intuitively since you’ll form a mind-muscle link. Great fighters move their heads a lot, as you can see from watching professional bouts.


Shadowboxing has the advantage of being accessible nearly everywhere and requiring no specialized gear or equipment. Take considerable time punching air anytime you’re standing around with nothing to do. You should never be able to use the gym as an excuse to lounge around and accomplish nothing.

Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels       

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