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Managing Generational Diversity in the Workplace

Working alongside those of different views and backgrounds is often beneficial to business. When varying ethics, values and experiences are all brought to the table, it can lead to a better, more adapted output. Such innovative end results can be attributed to the amalgamation of the generations. Known for having differing perspectives and standpoints regarding work, these distinct age groups can be brought together despite the generational division between them.

In today’s workforce, there are typically five separate generations laboring side by side. From Baby Boomers close to retirement to Gen Zers fresh out of college, these age groups have been shaped by the world around them and its changes during their lifetimes. As a result, there have been some major shifts in the workplace. These changes mainly circle around learning, leadership and workplace culture. Below is a look into each generation and how companies can better harness a multi-generational workforce dynamic.

This infographic was created by Goodwill Car Donations

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