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Risks To Know For Your Remote Workers

As businesses attempt to create the most welcoming environment for their employees, they’re left to wonder: is remote work the best option? While it’s clear that most employees who found success in their remote work opportunities would argue it’s the right thing to continue to allow, businesses are left to wonder. It’s not out of slight against their employees, but rather making the considerations necessary for the safety of an organization and its partners that this decision boils down to. Organizations must feel comfortable leaving their data vulnerable through remote connections, for example. This has proven to be dangerous, as many organizations were victims of cyberattacks throughout the stints of their employees working from home. While avoidable, sometimes these attacks can be relentless and will bypass the security measures in place. Similarly, remote employees are responsible for the hardware they bring home from the office. This hardware is just as capable of accessing organizational data if compromised, which can pose security risks the same as a cyberattack. Understanding this, there is plenty of preparation that must be done for organizations planning on continuing in enabling remote work for their employees. To learn more about the ways in which your business can defend against these attacks, check out the resource supported alongside this post.

Risks To Know For Your Remote Workers provided by B2Z Insurance, a small business insurance agency

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